This app has endless applications at home, school and work. each slide created can have information recorded in text boxes, a photo and an audio recording. The information on each slide can be emailed and you can enter key words that can be searched. some of its uses are..
Writing/reading app – type in a story your child has written, take a photo of their illustration.
Use the app to market your work to prospective clients
Training tool – record sequence of instructions in audio and pictures
Some ideas on use of this app
'Email each slide to others complete with text, picture and audio file.'
- Language learning. It can help learn another language by recording a native speaker and practice words - put the vocab in the title so you can search for particular words or phrases using the search function.
- To do list – create an audio, pictorial to do list for yourself or someone else. You can email it to yourself or them.
- Travel aide- take a photo of where you have been and record what the picture is of then email slide to friends and family.
- Reading app – if your child likes you to read the same book over and over just take a photo of the illustration, record yourself reading the text and hey can hear the story however many times they want. If you type in the text it helps develop literacy.
- Travel aide- take a photo of where you have been and record what the picture is of then email slide to friends and family.
- Translation app - have a fluent speaker record key phrases in a language you want to communicate to people in. Then when you want to communicate something search for the needed phrase (the title needs to have key words for you to find it) and play the recording to them.
- Memory support - record what you want to remember then classify it it with key word so you can find it again
- Alzheimer support - photograph key people in persons life, record a short description of them or have person record a personal message. Then person with memory problems can play the slides to remind them of people in their life as often as they like.
- People book - take a photo of person and you or they record something about them or their view on a topic.
- Visitors book - take a photo of visitor and record what they say on something.
- Audio surveys - record survey questions you wish to ask (in different languages if you wish) and use the app to play them.